Washington County Farmland Auction
Saturday, November 16
Time: 10:00 AM
Brighton Community Hall
-100 E Washington St, Brighton, IA 52540-
Thank you to the Wyse family for allowing us to hold his auction and to everyone who attended.
SOLD - $6,250 per acre.
155.06 acres m/l
Marion Township, Washington County, Iowa
Directions to farm: From Brighton, head north on Highway 1 towards Washington. Continue 2.3 miles. Turn right on 315th St and drive east for 3.8 miles. Watch for auction signs. The farm is on the corner of Larch and 315th.
Don’t miss this quality farmland selling in Washington County, Iowa. This 155.06 acres is situated between Brighton, Wayland, and Washington. The CSR 2 on the whole farm is 72.4 acres.
Note: There is a natural gas line and a anhydrous line running through the northwest and northeast corners, respectively.
Farm: #1161
Tract: #1728
Farmland: 159.42 acres
Cropland: 148.07 acres
Corn: 46.64 base acres,
137 PLC yield
Currently enrolled: 14.73 acres at $3,915 per year.
9.5 acres are bid in until 2023 at $286.29 acres.
5.23 acres are bid in until 2024 at $228.51 per acre.
These acres could be certified organic. Previously enrolled: 86.70 acre CRP contract expired on September 30, 2019.
Heading 2
Donald F Wyse Trust, Owner
Trustees—Tanya Greiner, Shelda Swift, and Dawnell Doreo
Myron Greiner, Broker - Robert Schlegel, Attorney
-METHOD OF SALE: Tract 1 of the Wyse farm will be sold on a price per acre basis. The multiplier will be the assessor acres as posted on the Washington County Assessor site.
-DEPOSIT: 15% of the final bid price will be paid on the day of the sale. Balance due at closing upon delivery of deed and abstract showing merchantable title.
-PURCHASE AGREEMENT: Successful bidder shall execute a purchase agreement immediately after being declared the winning bidder by the auctioneer. Please note: The purchase agreement will offer NO contingencies for financing or any alterations to the agreement. Purchasers who are unable to close due to insufficient funds or otherwise, will be in default and the deposit money will be forfeited.
-TAXES: Prorated to date of possession based on the last available tax statement.
-CLOSING: On or before December 23, 2019
-POSSESSION: To be given at closing subject to rights of farm tenant on rented ground. Buyer will be given possession for 2020 crop year.
Terms: The property is being sold “as is, where is”. All announcements made day of auction shall take precedence over any prior advertising either written or oral. The information in this brochure is deemed reliable; however, no guarantee for its accuracy, errors or omissions is given. All lines drawn on maps, photographs, etc. are approximate. CSR values are derived from Surety Maps and may or may not reflect the values provided by the county assessor’s office. Buyers should verify the information to their satisfaction. There are no expressed or implied warranties pertaining to the property. This real estate is selling subject to any and all covenants, restrictions, encroachments, and easements, as well as all zoning laws. The buyer shall be responsible for installing his/her own entrances if needed or desired. Greiner Real Estate & Auction is an agent for the seller.
Additional Provisions:
-Seller shall not be obligated to furnish a survey.
-The real estate is selling subject to any and all covenants, restrictions, encroachments, easements, as well as all applicable zoning laws.
-If future site clean-up is required it shall be at the expense of the buyer.
The buyer shall be responsible for installing his/her own entrances if needed or desired.

Auctioneers: Myron Greiner, 319-694-4522
Mike Goehring